Monday, 13 March 2017

Dance Stimuli Workshop

Dance Stimuli Workshop

Stimuli – The aim of the lesson was to of researched a Stimuli to create a brief dance workshop, this then was produced and used within the class session to  create iconic dance pieces.

With not being in the lesson before hand, I was unable to annotate and to prepare for this workshop idea, however I did have a stimuli on which I wanted to pursue to enhance the disabilities of dance. My Stimuli was that of an article from the Smiler Accident – This article focused on the event on where the 16 million pound attraction finally got re-opened after the accident back in 2013
The Smiler in June 2013 was closed after one of the ride carriages collided with a stationary train halfway round the track. The two transit trains collided on due course round the batwing element of the ride. The Smiler Cost of 16 Million Pounds, after safety issue arises after the opened back In 2013, guide wheels and Blots holding the ride together have been reported to fall off. Upon the 9 Month investigation by the Health and Safety Executive to understand the issue of why the ride crashed and how the correct positions did nothing to report the issue. It was apparent that the lack of CCTV Cameras and the lack of training from the operating team which allowed a fifth train to go round the track all added to the possibilities why the attraction came to a gruesome ending which injured 16 passengers, 5 of which had to have their legs amputated.

The Stimuli of my dance – I wanted to focus more on the ‘Rollercoaster’ of emotion to which built up around the whole fascination of The Smiler, to when the ride crashed then the fascination of the ride re-opening. I wanted my workshop to not only focus on the tragedy of the event but to also I wanted to focus on how people with walking disabilities would adapt a dance routine to suit the song.
I split the 6 people into 3 groups of two – By which they partnered up and I allocated a disability to each of them. Some had no use of ANY of their legs, Some had ue of one leg and some had use of everything but one arm. It was their job then to come up with a motif of dance which could tell a story but then be adapted to suit people with needs.

The Graph shows the rate of happiness which the dances need to portray to the audience. This is show through facial expressions and how they move – The rate of speed on which they do certain dance move to show a symbolic signifier that this certain move could reflect of the tragedy of The Smiler, where as a large happy motion would signify that fellow riders are happy for the rollercoaster to be re-opened to the public.

In Conclusion, the dance routines showed a personal opinion of the dances whilst also taking into consideration the controversial subject which reflected in the work. Dances reacted well to the disabilities given to them. At first the dances were laughing and experimenting with the disabilities, some tucked their arm into their trousers while some dragged their leg across the floor. This is the type of controversial choreography that I want to focus on.

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