Monday, 7 November 2016

Unit 22 - First Impressions

Unit 22 of the BTEC LEVEL 3 National Certificate in Performing arts course. On first glance I wasn't at all happy with doing this course. This mainly because it involved dance. As it is clear from recent production I don't dance. I'm like that child in the corner of the room who you give a few dances moves to just to please and make to feel special and wanted.

However after doing part of the course my whole perception on the course, I had enjoyed it. Dancing and singing in the lesson. Although I'm a big out there person I never really liked the whole physical side of dance but I thought to give it a bash, we learnt about DV8, Rudolf Larben (Please never again), Mathew Bourne and many more. Ive enjoyed everything about all of these on expiation of Ruldolf. He can just... Leave...
Dancing in front of people is something that I'm not looking forward to. I'm ok Acting however I'm not happy about dancing.

My Aims for the upcoming course is:

Aim 1: To conquer my fears of dancing in fornt of people and be able to relax.

Aim 2: Too actally learn a dance routine without messing up. If I was actiin I know that can recover with a whitty line however dancing i'll end up messing up.

Looking at  Jessica Willmotts ( the thing I liked about dance is the relationships. Comparing it to acting, those are fake relationships (sounds like my ex) but in a seriousness I have noticed that once you came off stage that the relationship that was once on stage stopped, howevr with dancing it didn't. You spend hours together alone dancing and helping eachother. Dancing takes hours up on hours.

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