Tuesday, 22 November 2016


During this lesson, we put into groups from last week. In my group was; Dionne, Keavey, Tilly and obviously me. Our dance routine was to dramatic piece of music

The following post will be about the comparison to the different moments:

This was the movement focusing on the music, The moves were in time with the music and showed true passion within each and every move. Contrasting to the video below the moves were reversed, slow points were turned into fast, soft transitions turned into a jagged and shocking movement. Please see the next issue.

The reason for these two videos is to show the original ideas and how the piece of music influenced the dance routine. From a choreographer point of view I would study the music first. I would picture the staging then adapt dance routine to the stage and the music. I would make sure that my dances are in time and beat with the music, the different dynamics I will use will show the power through the piece and show the proxemics between the dances on stage. Lighting will provide a big part as well. The lighting will show whether a dances is isolated from other dances, or if they are seen all as one.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


Carmel: I've always imagined what you're like in dance?

Summer: Its Amusing

Ant: Well... You've seen  Billy Elliot?

Carmel: Yeah

Ant: Yeah It's nothing like that!



In the lesson we learnt about different Dynamics of multiple dance routines. We looked at 'Nutcracker' (No Innuendo intended) and also looked at Edward Scissor Hands and how the dynamics of the dancers showed passion towards each other. This opened my eyes on how dance can show different levels of authority through proxemics and through facial expressions.

In my dance group the level of experience really shows me up, here I am surrounded by people who have experience of dancing since they were 3, or go to dancing classes out of school then theirs me when the closest thing to dancing is when I'm in bed and I have to wiggle around to find a comfortable position in bed. Dancing in this environment is quite daunting, so when our teacher, whom I don't give much credit to although I should because without her I would of broken down by now, she then takes these long complicated words and difficult dance moves and helps the less able of us to dance efficiently even with our lack of knowledge.
Another thing that Claire has told us to do is to write about the different subjects of dance.
When we first looked at this I again through "What the hell is she talking about?" However with her time and dedication to the subject and to us as students, she made it clear to me that although I didn't take this subject in GCSE, that I can an understand everything, and with that I made a spider diagram.
The diagram below WAS NOT created by me, however I do have one of these on my wall at home. But below is very similar:

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


Action Dance

In today lesson - We looked in depth into the Action. We used a vast array of vocabulary whilst on the topic of Jump, Gesture, Turn, Alternation in weight. Below we are seeing the critical evaluation of another groups piece.

Jump - We used the jump method in order a way to travel. Whilst standing and facing towards the camera, the group needed to jump 45 degrees on the alternative angle in order for the next danc move. We used the Jump as a way to travel to enhance the routine.

Gesture - Most of the gestures came from the arms. Over exadurated movements sets emotions impulsing into the audience. Many people will feel different emotions, this is okay as dance is interpreted in different ways.

Turn - We turned a lot i this piece. On different levels, this was a great challenge for myself as I am 'Big Boned' I am also in experience with moves like this which meant that some moves I was unable to do. One move that we took out of the final piece was to turn on our knees, however I got severer friction burn on my legs which meant that we had to take it out.

Weight -  The Differential in weight between each choreographed move came natural to us all. As 3/4 of the group took GCSE Drama and all of us ventured in the school show, it has to come natural as one minute you are playing a villain Bill Sykes and in each High School adaption to  the stage show 'Oliver!' you see Bill Sykes get stabbed, you rock up to rehearsal to then be told "Anthony, you're getting pushed off of a high bridge onto a crash mat". Weight is paramount and we all grasped it pretty quickly... Myself for fear that the director would walk through the doors and say those words again, yes it was a normal lesson but younever know what the director has up her sleeve.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Unit 22 - First Impressions

Unit 22 of the BTEC LEVEL 3 National Certificate in Performing arts course. On first glance I wasn't at all happy with doing this course. This mainly because it involved dance. As it is clear from recent production I don't dance. I'm like that child in the corner of the room who you give a few dances moves to just to please and make to feel special and wanted.

However after doing part of the course my whole perception on the course, I had enjoyed it. Dancing and singing in the lesson. Although I'm a big out there person I never really liked the whole physical side of dance but I thought to give it a bash, we learnt about DV8, Rudolf Larben (Please never again), Mathew Bourne and many more. Ive enjoyed everything about all of these on expiation of Ruldolf. He can just... Leave...
Dancing in front of people is something that I'm not looking forward to. I'm ok Acting however I'm not happy about dancing.

My Aims for the upcoming course is:

Aim 1: To conquer my fears of dancing in fornt of people and be able to relax.

Aim 2: Too actally learn a dance routine without messing up. If I was actiin I know that can recover with a whitty line however dancing i'll end up messing up.

Looking at  Jessica Willmotts (http://suttoncommunityacademy5.blogspot.co.uk/) the thing I liked about dance is the relationships. Comparing it to acting, those are fake relationships (sounds like my ex) but in a seriousness I have noticed that once you came off stage that the relationship that was once on stage stopped, howevr with dancing it didn't. You spend hours together alone dancing and helping eachother. Dancing takes hours up on hours.

All About Me

All about me-

My name is Anthony Davies, I am 16 from Nottinghamshire.
During my time within education I have studied Drama, Travel and Tourism and Health and Social Care.

In my spare time I work at Robin Hoods Wheel gate. At Wheelgate I operate rides. I also take part in Xtreme Scream. This is at Twinlakes and they're 6 scare mazes. I was situated in Stilton Spa and Hotel. I loved this experience by some of the photos below.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Welcome to my blog.
If you are looking for a decent blog then you've gone to far.
This is...

All About Me

 Name: Anthony A Davies
    Age: 16